Writing Workshops
The Writing Center at the University of Hamburg offers a wide range of services for all students, PhD candidates and instructors. All services and provisions have the overall aim of making writing at the University both visible and learnable. From an understanding of the iterative nature of the writing process to the mechanics of effective citation to essential strategies for revising and rewriting an academic text, we can help you (help yourself) to become a better writer.
Our central workshop program can be found on STiNe under "Open Courses". There you have to select "Cross-faculty institutes, centers and services" and then "Hamburger Zentrum für Universitäres Lehren und Lernen - HUL". Here you can find the "Schreibzentrum" (Writing Center) and register there for the workshops you wish to attend.
The Writing Center also collaborates with PIASTA to offer bilingual workshops and consultations to those writing in English or in German as a lingua franca. Details and booking for those offerings can be found on UHH-Join.
We hold several larger events each year, where workshops of differing lengths are often combined with our popular Write-ins and opportunities for individual writing consultations. Check out ‚Aktuelles‘ for information about upcoming events.
We look forward to seeing you there!