Current ProjectsPhoto: HULInsel der Forschung 2.0.Didactic materials for research-based learningTo the project pageTaLeSTransformation of teaching and studying under digital conditions.Trend studies from the perspective of teachers and students at UHHLearn more about TaLeSPhoto: UHH/LutschPhoto: UHH/DenstorfWissenschaftsdidaktikProject for the preparation of aresearch group for science didacticsLearn more about WissenschaftsdidaktikDigitale-Transformation-und-Higher-EducationDigitality, digitalization, media education and media didacticsLearn morePhoto: pexelsPhoto: HUL/ Alexa BraseDBR-NetzwerkScientific network:Design-Based Research as a methodological framework in educational researchLearn more about DBR-NetzwerkWERTResearch projectLearn more about WertPhoto: HULPhoto: UHH/SteinhauserDUTyQualification of teachers and student tutors for digital teachingLearn more about DUTyProfessionelle Handlungsfähigkeit stärkenA design-based research project for the training of prospective teachers in school pedagogyTo the project pagePhoto: iStock